The Arizona Association of Astrologers (ASA) was founded on September
7, 1973 at 8:20 PM. The Constitution and Bylaws that follow were last amended on
August 8, 1998.
The ASA Objectives are:
Arizona Society of Astrologers, Inc. shall be constituted:
To provide for members to
pursue their interests in astrology in a cooperative and stimulating environment.
To promote astrology through teaching, lecturing, research and practice in a professional
and ethical manner.
To advance freedom of expression for astrology; to develop and promote a professional
status for astrology and astrologers: and to assist members in pursuing their professional
goals in astrology.
The Constitution and Bylaws is a long document. Thus it is
provided in a simpler format for viewing and printing. Please use the following
hyperlink to access the full document. It will take a few seconds to download. ASA Constitution
and Bylaws