The Arizona Society of
Astrologers (ASA), the oldest and one of the largest state wide astrology
was founded on September 7, 1973 to promote astrology through teaching, lecturing,
research and practice in a professional and ethical manner. The ASA has proudly hosted well
known and inspiring teachers and lecturers from around the world at regular monthly
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May 18 & 19, 2001
Arielle Guttman
Guttman will be giving a two-day lecture and workshop on
Astrocartography on May 18-19, 2001. There are many
different ways to approach astrology, and like most professionals,
Arielle has her specialties. They include The Mythic Horoscope
interpretation which takes into account some of the many asteroids
populating our solar system - check out her book, co-authored with
astro-mythologist Ken Johnson, Mythic Astrology (Llewellyn, 1993)
for an in-depth study. Another of Arielle's specialties includes
her work with locational astrology or astro-mapping which includes
the interpretation of Astro*Carto*Graphy® maps popularized by the
late Jim Lewis. You can find Arielle on line at