Arizona Astrologer" is the official ASA Newsletter.
Newsletter took on a new look and a very big new meaning under the tutleage in 1997 of the
then Vice President, Rocky Berlier. Rocky went on to assume the duties of President.
It is a tribute to Rocky's efforts and expertise that the Newsletter now lives on
in many capable hands.
Newsletter is a membership benefit. It generally runs 12
pages and in addition to member news includes technique oriented articles written by well
known authors/astrologers as well as talented local astrological writers, teachers and
lecturers. "Last Month at the ASA" is a regular feature of the
Newsletter. ASA members that can't attend a particular monthly meeting look forward
to a recap of the Speakers presentation in the "Arizona Astrologer." To
see samples of articles about previous ASA monthly meeting speakers please follow this
hyperlink - "Last Month at the ASA - Featured
Speaker" To see a sample of the August 2000 issue use this
link - August 2000.
Article Submission - Please
submit all articles as electronic typed copy on disk or email text. The editor
reserves the right to edit text for size and content or to reject submissions. All
articles reflect the views of their authors. |
Advertising - Advertising
is accepted on a limited basis. The deadline for advertising submissions is on the
Saturday Workshop of the month prior to publication. Ads should be electronic or
"camera ready." Photos should be originals. For advertising rates
and sizes please contact the Editor. |
only subscriptions are available for $15.00 per year. To subscribe, comment, submit
an article or just more information please contact Newsletter Editor.