The American Federation of Astrologers
The AFA is a worldwide organization of professional astrologers and
laypersons. They have more than 3,500 members representing all 50 states and 56 countries
around the globe. Established in 1938, the AFA oversees accreditation of astrologers,
sponsors scientific astrology research and is the largest publisher of astrological books
in the United States.
The Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN)
AFAN is a network linking and informing the international
astrological about. With AFAN you will always know what is happening to and for
astrologers. AFAN's unique non-hierarchical structure links the local astrologer to the
steering committee through regional coordinators and is the foundation of the Network.
International Society for Astrological Research
ISAR is an international organization of professional astrologers
dedicated to encouraging the highest standards of quality in the field of astrology. Its
central organization is governed by an elected board of astrologers from the United
States, several specialized appointed positions and aided by an international network of
Vice-Presidents from dozens of countries across the globe.
ISIS Institute
ISIS Institute produces a variety of on-going educational events and
audiotaped learning about for people interested in the fields of Archetypal Astrology and
Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Much of our work is aimed at providing an indispensible
astrological perspective to the field of psychotherapy, as well as the benefits of
counseling training for professional astrologers. In addition, ISIS offers training in
other forms of astrology such as Ancient Methods, Financial Astrology, Asteroids &
Mythic Astrology, Jyotish, Nodes, Eclipses, Kabbalah, etc.
The National Council of Geocosmic Research (NCGR)
The NCGR is a US based astrological association. It has
publications, conferences and SIG chapters. The NCGR has a focus on research and educating
people in astrology. |