Mills says of her interest in astrology: "What's a spiritual,
scientific, medical, counseling, educator, and intelligent woman like you doing in...
Astrology and Stuff like that??? If I've heard this once, I've heard it a thousand
times. I've even enjoyed the laughter of my own foolishness. What's a woman
like me doing in... Astrology and stuff like that? Because it works. It's exactly
because I am a scientific, spiritual, medical, counseling, educator, professional, and an
intelligent woman. That's why I study and use the Ancient Wisdom of the Heavens in the
science of Astrology and help others to do the same." Send Jennie email at You can find her
on-line these days at her new website:
Randall is a lifetime member of the ASA. In Lauri's many years of
membership she has served in many capacities on the ASA Board of Directors. She is
most remembered for her years as Programs Director and the many Astrology gurus and
geniuses from around the world she introduced to the ASA as guest speakers. Lauri
moved to California last year but she still manages the ASA Meeting Notice by Email
list. Send Lauri email at
You can find her on-line these days at:
McCartney is currently the ASA's Vice President. Terri says she is
..."accurately described as an ordinary person, living an ordinary life (though
making effort to do so in an extraordinary way), I have professionally practiced astrology
for fifteen years. I am a practically oriented psycho-spiritual astrologer who depends on
the insights provided by both Vedic and Western astrology when calculating & reviewing
charts." Terri calls her website Astrology Resources, Products, Services
& Sources to assist you on your Journey. Send Terri email at You can find her on line
Teal has been an astrologer since 1975. She says: "When I first
opened a book on the subject of astrology, it was to prove to a friend that it was not a
subject to be taken seriously. Instead, it proved to be a turning point for me and became
my life's work". Celeste's book Predicting
Events with Astrology was published June 1999. You can find
Celeste on-line at:
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