Cowger, Barry D. / August 2000 - Barry
D. Cowger (November 8th 1957, 5:29 am, Los Angeles, Ca.) Former professional musician
turns astrologer in 1984, through the influence of a few exceptional teachers and mentors
in Diana Stone, Jeffrey Wolf Green and the late Jim Lewis. After traveling extensively
from April 1996 to October 1999 and living in Asia, Northern Africa, Eastern and Western
Europe, Barry returns home to Prescott, Arizona, with new perspectives on himself, life,
and of course, astrology. His new interest and passion is to understand the symbols,
images and mythologems that the psyche reveals through dreams and how one's personal myth
or life- story may be unfolding at present.
Note: If you experience trouble with the
hyperlink for Barry's website please type or copy and paste this URL into your web browser
location text box: http://ww4.choice.net/~davy/barry%20home.htm Pond, David / June 2000 - David holds a
Master of Science Degree in Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University.
David is the co-author of two books: The Metaphysical Handbook and Crystals,
Stones & Chakras, and is a contributing author in two of LLewellyn's New World
Astrology series: Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope and Astrological Counseling.
David is also a regular contributor to The
Mountain Astrologer Magazine.
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