Barry D. Cowger (November 8th 1957, 5:29 am, Los Angeles, Ca.) Former
professional musician turns astrologer in 1984, through the influence of a few exceptional
teachers and mentors in Diana Stone, Jeffrey Wolf Green and the late Jim Lewis. After
traveling extensively from April 1996 to October 1999 and living in Asia, Northern Africa,
Eastern and Western Europe, Barry returns home to Prescott, Arizona, with new perspectives
on himself, life, and of course, astrology. His new interest and passion is to understand
the symbols, images and mythologems that the psyche reveals through dreams and how one's
personal myth or life- story may be unfolding at present.FRIDAY NIGHT Lecture -
"Family and Birth Order Karma"
Barry wrote a book on family psychology in 1992, entitled Reconstructing The Real You.
From this study he has developed a simple methodology to help astrologers and lay people
understand how all of their personal and professional relationships are qualified--and in
some cases even more or less determined--from their family and birth order karma.
On Friday night, August 18th, he will present and have copies of his simple checklist,
"Family and Birth Order Karma" which will help you to incorporate and manage
successfully this vast subject and study into your next reading. For example, if you or
your client is the middle sister of brothers--diagrammed as (B)S(B)--how should her
Seventh House Saturn be interpreted as opposed to this same placement of Saturn in terms
of an oldest sister of two brothers diagrammed as S(BB)?
Barry will offer his experience and perspectives when these and other birth order
signatures are viewed through astrology. If you're at all interested in psychology, this
evening should not be missed! Copies of his book will be on sale.
SATURDAY Workshop - "Dreams and Astrology"
In our dreams, the objective psyche attempts to communicate to us by using symbols and
images. Although these very symbols and images are often confusing and baffling, their
wisdom can be gained when viewed through alchemical, religious and psychologically based
perspectives. Color slides will be shown which represent a great many psychic processes of
change, growth and development as these very same developments are reflected in actual
dreams from his own client files. Astrological correlation's will be made to the above
mentioned psychic processes. Barry will also outline basic dream structure, dream types
and motifs to help you begin to understand your own dreams.
The picture that will emerge will be: 1) an appreciation of the wisdom of the
unconscious in terms of, 2) how it guides and supports the changes in our lives when we,
3) have the tools to understand its message. For more information about how Barry
approaches and works with dreams in his practice, to go his website at: Barry D.
Cowger, Astrologer and then go to his "Dreams" page.