McDonald is a practicing Astrologer/Counselor in Denver, Colorado.
Following a successful and public career in the corporate sector,
including working for the Vatican, Sally began practicing
Astrology professionally. She has intently studied Astrology
for 25 years. She is a student of Ancient Religions and Quantum
Physics. She has lectured at local universities, the Women’s
Chamber of Commerce, and various women’s professional groups.
She has published articles for Equinox of London and the Mountain
She teaches and
serves as an educational consultant via the Internet, for a group
of students in Athens, Greece. By employing ancient and modern
astrological techniques, Sally sheds light on the Soul's Journey,
what appears to be happening (the conscious), what's actually
happening (the sub-conscious) and the purpose behind the situation
(the soul.)
You can find Sally
on-line at or email Sally at FRIDAY NIGHT Lecture - "The
Moon in Aquarius"
SATURDAY Workshop - "Revealing the Human Psyche"