Nelda is a
national speaker and has studied astrology since 1969. For the past 10 years she has
counseled and taught astrology on a professional level. She is very active in the
Cosmobiology Research Foundation and the NCGR Declination Sig. She is President of
RightLeft Graphics, and designs charts and graphs. In the 1970s she studied
numerology with her sister-in-law in Southern California. They learned techniques not put
out to the general public and thought they should write about them. They were compiling
and documenting information when Neldas sister-in-law died. As the universe has its
own way of getting things done a student that Nelda had taught numerology to came
forth and said she would help. The book was printed a year later. "Changing Your Life
With Numbers". You can reach Nelda by email or Fax 520-636-6287.Friday
night: "Life Diagram by Declinations"
I will explain what declinations are and how to use them. Declinations are as important as
longitudes. We will cover mundane and personal charts. I will discuss Planets Out of
Bounds and Solar Longitude Equivalent to Declinations. I put out a chart called "Life
Diagram by Declinations" that shows your life by declination in graphic form. I
charge $20.00 for the graph plus instructions on how to read it.
Workshop: "Numerology and Your Life Path"
This will be a hands - on workshop, you will learn how to set up a Numerology Chart,
progress the chart, and learn yearly triangles (What energies you are using in a given
year). We will cover what you need to do in this lifetime (as shown in the numerology
chart) and what your Life Path is. You can compare this to your Astrology Chart. I have
found they always compliment one another. The Numerology Chart is very clear in
helping you understand the whys and how-comes of your life.